Thicker Eyelashes are probably the most desired beauty traits of all the women as bigger and thicker eyelashes enhances the beauty and imp...

Eyelashes Falling Out Don’t Panic, Know how they grow back

Thicker Eyelashes are probably the most desired beauty traits of all the women as bigger and thicker eyelashes enhances the beauty and improves expressions of a woman. There are various reasons associated with the loss of eyelashes.
Eyelashes not only enhance the beauty of your eyes but also protects us from dust particles. Loss of eyelashes may happen due to excessive use of eye makeup, hair problems or medical treatments. There are lots of alternatives present in the market that can help make your eyelashes look thicker and attractive. Eating a proper balanced diet and an use of good quality makeup product prevents falling or loss of eyelashes.  The proper use of eye makeup and good eye care can substantially reduce the falling off eyelashes. You don’t need to get panic, if you are facing the problem of falling eyelashes. What you need to do is search for a remedy.

Maintaining the growth of eyelashes :
Avoid using makeup: If you know the cause of your falling eyelashes is from something like hormone or chemo problems, then don’t worry about this. However, if the loss of eyelashes is unexplained, then you will have to avoid applying makeup around your eyes. There are two reasons, why you need to do this. Another reason is that some women are allergic to the ingredients that are contained in the makeup products, and this is enough for your skin to cause the hair loss.  The first reason is that makeup product does expire after a while and the bacteria it grows can cause falling off eyelashes. If you wear makeup, wash it off before you go to sleep. It will keep your skin and lashes away from irritation.

Eat healthy food: A particularly limited diet can have an effect on the health and growth of the hair. If you are not taking enough vitamins and proteins, then it can cause loss of eyelashes. Vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin H, and vitamin D are essential for the growth of hair. Eat a wide variety foods to make sure that your body has what it needs to make healthy eyelashes. Food rich in nutrients include carrots, nuts, fish.  Folic acids are a big help, when it comes to loss of eyelashes. The proper amount of folic acid in your body strengthens your lashes as well as reduce the chance of thinning or loss of eyelashes. Iron not only gives you a healthy glow, but it also works at keeping your eyelashes strong and healthy. Food sources containing iron include beans, spinach, egg yolks, red meat, and oysters.

Clean your face regularly: Overgrowth of bacteria around the eyelashes and face is also a reason behind the loss of eyelashes.  The micro-cracks formed due to the dry skin can cause even more infections so, you also have to protect your skin from drying out.
 Wash your face daily with the soaps made for the face, to keep the bacteria under control.

Avoid using curlers: Overusing an eyelash curler can accidently pull out your lashes especially when the eyelashes are already weak. Do not use your curler for a while and see, if this helps keep your lashes in place. Do not use a curler, if you don’t know how to use it as this can cause falling of eyelashes.
Avoid touching your face: There is a sea of bacteria on your hands that you can’t see with your naked eyes. When you touch your face to pick, wipe or scratch, you are introducing the bacteria to your skin. By keeping your hands away from your face, you will help ensure that your eyelashes can stay healthy.
Covering the lash loss
Make sure your eye makeup isn’t causing any problem: Before applying the makeup or  other products to cover the eyelash loss, make sure that these makeup products are not causing the loss of eyelashes to begin with. Check your makeup product by not using it for several weeks and then gradually introducing one makeup product at a time. Use each product for a week, before moving on to another.
Use Eyeliner: Apply liquid liner thickly at the lash line, this can make it look like you have eyelashes when you have a very little or do not have lashes. Select a color that matches your natural color. Use black color eyeliner, if you have dark lashes and brown will look best, if you have light colored lashes.
Apply mascara: If you have a few lashes then you can apply mascara to make the eyelashes look thicker and stronger. Always use a conditioning mascara to keep your eyelashes healthy. You can also add extra volume by using the baby powder between the coats of the mascara.
Use false eyelashes: Use false eyelashes, if you don’t have lashes. You can get these false eyelashes from any beauty stores, these are cheap and readily available in the market. To use these false eyelashes, firstly you need to apply the lash glue, then place the false eyelashes on your real lashes. If you already have some eyelashes then also you can use it. False eyelashes are particularly useful, if you lost your lashes in just one spot.
You have covered extensively on the reasons of falling and loss of eyelashes as well as ways, tips and much more on how to maintain the growth of lashes. I hope this gives the hope to women who have lost their lashes as well as those who have very few eyelashes. you cam also use careprost for loss of eyelashes control, it  is very effective medicine for eyelashes growth and fall control